
Looking for Career in UAE, Salary Up-to 1,24,810/- NPR

Exciting foreign employment opportunity for 11 Nepali workers! A renowned UAE company is hiring male individuals, offering a monthly salary of up to Rs 1,24,810. Don’t miss this chance to work in a reputable organization, gain valuable experience, and secure a promising future. Act fast and seize this opportunity to embark on a rewarding career overseas!

Company are offering an 8-10 hour day, 6 days a week with overtime available. Plus, food and lodging will be free! This shift offers you the opportunity to make a great living while still having plenty of time for activities outside of work. Work period will be 2 years. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity – apply now!

Whether a company is small or large, the workers play an important role in its success. Workers must have certain qualities such as hardworking, friendly, punctual and reliable in order to be a successful part of the team. Companies rely on their workers to put forth their best efforts and contribute to the company’s growth and development. Hardworking employees are essential for the success of any business. They will put in extra effort to reach their goals without compromising quality or customer service. Friendly workers create a positive work environment which encourages collaboration between team members and helps foster productivity.

Are you a Nepalese worker looking for foreign employment? If so, you have come to the right place. At Contact Us, we take great pride in helping our clients find the best job opportunities abroad. We understand that searching for jobs overseas can be a daunting task and that’s why we are here to help. Our team of experienced professionals are here to give you all the assistance and advice you need when it comes to finding the right job opportunity abroad. For more information, please contact the relevant manpower office in Kathmandu Nepal

Nepal Recruiting Agency Name Almighty International Manpower Services Private Limited
Lot Number 288225
Country Name UAE
Company Name Dar Almarjan Technology LLC
Approval Date Information 2023/06/23

Company Details:
Company Name: Dar Almarjan Technology LLC
Pre-Approval Date: 2023/06/23
Lot Number: 288225
Country: UAE
Position: Accounts manager, Computer programmer, Design manager, Follow up clerk, Purchasing manager, Sales representative etc
Required Number: 11
Salary: Rs 71,320 to 1,24,810

Working hours per day: 8 hour
Working day per week: 6 days
Overtime Facility: As per the company rule
Annual leave: As per the company rule
Contract period: Two years
Benefits: Free accommodation, free life insurance, free joining tickets, and 30 days of annual vacation
Contact Office in Nepal: Almighty International Manpower Services Private Limited

The Department of Foreign Labor provides the following information

  1. Your deposit should be made after you have received a personal visa from the company. Collect the voucher as soon as possible
  2. here are Nepalese diplomatic offices in the countries where you are employed or will be employed. Make sure to note their contact information. You can easily contact them when necessary
  3. Don’t give more than the amount listed on the document
  4. You must go through orientation before you can work abroad
  5. For employment abroad, please make sure you carefully research the country, the company, and the perks you will receive before traveling. You should only sign the agreement once you have read it carefully. Make sure you have a copy of this document on hand
  6. When traveling abroad, it is best to use the Nepali airport rather than other airports, since there are chances of being conned otherwise
    Please contact the Department of Foreign Labor, Tahachal if you have any questions about this ad

The following instructions are important if you are considering foreign employment

  • Before applying, check all LT details
  • Knowing how much of your quota is left will help you decide whether to apply. It’s possible the quota was met
  • Find out whether recruitment agencies and foreign employers have a transaction history. You can search for it using Google
  • Sending an SMS will allow you to receive the information at any time. To send it to 34001, type LT [space] [Lt-Number]

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